Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fun Facts..

How many people have your name???

There are 183 people in the U.S. named Melissa Pratt...
Statistically the name Melissa is the 66th most popular first name....

There are 1,320 people in the U.S named James Pratt
Statistically the name James is the 1st most popular first names.

There are 32 people in the U.S. named Nathaniel Pratt
Statistically the 462nd most popular first name..

There are 8 people in the U.S. named Caleb Pratt
Statistically the 975th most popular first name....

Check this link out...


Princess Hairstyles said...

Very interesting! It's funny you posted this when you did. I just added the other Melissa (Bott) to my list of blogs. And low and behold, I had 2 Melissa and James!!
That's pretty cool that James is the number 1 name. I wouldn't have guessed that.