Saturday, August 9, 2008


Caleb and cousin Megan are having fun jumping off the couch..
Caleb is pushing off, and Megan is cheering him on.

Growing up way to fast!!!!
What you talkin bout! (LOL) this pic is hilarious!

GirlsCamp at Lake Lyman..

Girls Camp was this past week, it was such a great experience.
On Tuesday we began our adventure with thirteen young women!
Uinta's here we come! The camp we went to was called Lake Lyman,
when we arrived the view was breath taking. The cabins were small (smaller
then a bed room)there were bunks stacked four high, and
we were all in one cabin! Needless to say our nights were sleepless,
the girls had way too much energy, I think that they were all
on a sugar high!
Girls camp was amazing, it was so fun to get to know all of the
young women, and fun to see them grow spiritually in such
a short time. The theme of our camp was BOOT CAMP, which
stands for Building Our Own Testimony! The leaders based
everything around being at Boot Camp, we wore dog tags and camo.
The testimony meeting that we had was the last night of our camping,
it was so spiritual, all of the girls bore there testimonies, Wow was an
experience, we started with thankamonies, then switched to testimonies.
Each or the girls spirits were illuminating!!! One of the biggest reasons I loved
Girls Camp so much it all of the fun things we did and testimony
meeting, I loved feeling the spirit. The mountains are so peaceful and makes
you feel closer to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. We had so much fun
I feel so blessed to be apart of the Young Women!
Well I'm back and it's time to get back in the grove of things, I missed my boys
so much and Love them!!