Saturday, December 1, 2007

Snow Days

Nathaniel was such a big helper, he shoveled the driveway, it was nice to not have to do it!

We did moms hair the other night and I had to take a photo before we started, it was funny.

Some cute Photos of Caleb and James.

Caleb is a monkey, he loves to climb on to everything. The past week he has fallen twice and hurt his lip, I just turn around for two seconds and he is climbing on something, the table and the gate are his favorite places to climb.
Bed time for Caleb, he likes his duckie when it is time for bed, ever since we got rid of the binki the dukie has taken its place.
Smile big!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

I can't believe that you are going to be one year old, time has flown by. I love you so much and hope that you have the best Birthday ever!

Just thought that I would put some photos of grandma and grandpa's trip this past weekend.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Nathaniel and I made a gingerbread house, it was fun!

Our little tree
Nathaniel was taking photos, not the best one, but it was cute. I look sick

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving Dinner, not to formal, but was delicious! Grandpa and Grandma stayed with us for a few days it was a lot of fun, thanks mom and dad for being here.

Nathaniel and Caleb jumping with each other.
Caleb Loves the trampoline.

Grandpa Playing with Maggie
Caleb got a hold of Grandpas hat.

Monday, November 26, 2007

I am so excited I just got my Christmas prestent, it is a new camera, I love! My photos will look so much better now

Caleb loves the camera, he always wants me to take his picture.
My little Christmas Tree, we put it up on Saturday
Say CHEESE Caleb

Caleb wasn't to happy sitting on Santas lap.
So mom held Caleb and put my arm around Santas back well you can tell from the next photo that I had my hand down just a little too far LOL

I felt so dumb, Santa said that it wasn't the first time it had happened, I think he was blushing! Lol Nathaniel's face is classic.