Friday, March 7, 2008

Loving the warm weather...

This photo shows how excited he was in finding such a big treasure, more balls to throw! Caleb loves to throw things, he found what he calls balls, (really rocks, or anything round)

I tried to explain to him they were rocks, I think he finally got it, because every time he saw the rocks, he would shout out, "rock rock" like such a big boy.

Nathaniel having fun riding his scooter.. Kids grow up way to fast, I can't believe that Nathaniel is almost nine years old, and Caleb is almost two, where does the time go.

Tonight the kids and
I decided to go for a walk, Nathaniel rode his scooter, and Caleb walked all the way around the block, he has so much energy, I thought that he would want me to pick him up about half way around, but not Caleb he wanted do it himself. He just ran and tried to keep up with big brother! Everyday Caleb wants to go outside and play, he loves the outdoors. Nathaniel was so happy to get out of the house also, he loves to ride his scooter, and I think that they are both ready for spring to be here, I know that I am!!! Hopefully this weather won't keep teasing us, warmer one day, and then snow the next. Spring fever has hit us all..


Shepherd Family ACALPM said...

Shh, I don't want to hear it!