Monday, March 17, 2008

Having fun...SPRING FEVER!!

Nathaniel and Caleb having fun outside tonight, it was a little chilly but it was nice enough to be out for a little while. Caleb absolutely loves being outside, he would probably stay out there all day long if he could, he just figured out how to climb up the slide, and slide down, he did it all on his own, he has no fear, I am in trouble. :) Nathaniel actually wants to go out in the back yard and play now, maybe because he has someone to play with. This spring we are going to be living out doors, it will be a pleasant change, from being stuck inside for the past few months! Spring Fever has definitely hit!!

Caleb couldn't be left off the trampoline, he and Nathaniel took turns jumping, lots of fun things to do outside!

We got new swings for the swing set, Nathaniel was very happy that he could sit on the swing with out falling through the seat! We also got a swing for Caleb, funny thing is he won't let me put him in it, he just wants to sit on all the big toys..