Saturday, November 15, 2008

Singing Singing Singing....

Caleb really loves to sing "I Am A Child Of God, and Popcorn Popping"

he goes around the house singing it all the time. The other night we sitting at the table

and he began to sing, it was so cute I had to record it. Enjoy!!!!


Rachelle said...

He is so darn cute. Ty loves to sing primary songs as well, but he still has a hard time pronouncing all the words. I think their little voices just sound so sweet.

Shepherd Family ACALPM said...

See eventually I knew I would get around to it! Very cute caleb! You are a good singer! Keep up the good work!
We miss you!

Princess Hairstyles said...

How sweet!

I sent you an email. It may be in your spam folder though :)