Sunday, August 24, 2008

Thankful Sunday...

Sorry Chantel I am going to use you idea of the "Thankful Sunday.? I've been thinking a lot about life and the things that are important, so here is a small list of the things that I am so Thankful for.....

1. For my loving family, a husband that is always putting up with me and my silly ideas, not to mention my O.C.D tendencies, he is always there for me, he helps remind me that I need to smile and laugh more, he knows just what I need! Thanks I love you!!! For my two boys; Nathaniel helps me out so much, he is growing up so fast I can't believe that he is going to be in fourth grade. He loves his little brother Caleb and they have so much fun playing together, Thanks Nathaniel for being my big helper, you have a sweet spirit and you try so hard at everything you do!!! Caleb is just over two years old, time is going way to fast I am not ready to see my little baby grow up, but it is happening he isn't a baby he is a toddler, it is funny when Nathaniel was Caleb's age he didn't want anything to do with a toilet, it seemed I had to push him to use the toilet! Caleb is already wanting to use the toilet, the past couple weeks he has been taking his diaper off and running to the toilet to go potty, you would think that the toilet would be a bit big for a two year old, but not Caleb he climbs up and does his thing. Amazing to think he may be done with diapers before to long ! He is a love, he is always up to something, he loves to sing, dance, read, play the piano, and draw. Both my boys teach me so much and I love them sooooo much!

2. I am thankful for summer to come and thankful to see it go, school starts tomorrow and I look forward to another year of school and learning. Nathaniel can't wait to go to school tomorrow, he already has his things ready for the morning. He informed me that he wants to ride the bus to school, he doesn't need me to take him on the first day, he knows where he is going because we went and toured the school and found his class and his teacher. I will admit that it made me a bit sad. It will be fun for him to ride the bus. Bus Ride, New School, New faces, it will be an exciting day!

3. While Nathaniel is in school I will have some time to start painting the house and fixing things that need fixing, this summer has been crazy and I haven't had time to do much improvments around the house. Nathaniel and Caleb's room is the first project, new carpet and new paint. Wish me luck, hopefully Caleb will have fun helping me!

4. I'm thankful for the gospel in my life and being able to go to church each week, it is nice to feel the spirit, and to learn. I love serving in the Young Womens, they teach me so much.

5. I'm thankful for my life and all that I have!!!!


Shepherd Family ACALPM said...

Don't be sorry, I shamelessly stole the idea from another blogger, I am glad, I have found it to be a very therapeutics thing to remember to be thankful at least 1 time a week! Especially when I don't' always get that much out of Sundays...Go for it!!!!