Friday, July 25, 2008

24th of July Celebration and other fun photos.

Caleb found my camera and he took a pic of himself, I was looking through my photos and found this. This was a beautiful sunset, Tuesday night..
For the 24th of July we did fireworks with our
neighbors, we had a blast. We were probably
lighting off fireworks for an hour and a half..

Say Cheese Nathaniel.

Caleb trying to blow mommy a kiss....

Caleb loves pop-its, he dumps all of them on the
ground and stomps on them.. and then replys "WOW"

Caleb really got into the fireworks, as you can see,
he was clapping and saying "more mom more!" and "Faster"


Shepherd Family ACALPM said...

Cute! Budding photographer caleb! Sorry we are sick, wish we could have seen you, now not even J*S are going to get to see us! I hope their van is ok. Well off we go...wish us luck!