Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Y.W. Y.M. Combined activity....

Last night we went down to the Salt Lake Cemetery, for our activity, the Young Women and Young Men wanted to go and do a scavenger hunt. James and I went last week, we walked the cemetery and found all of the Prophets and Apostles that were buried there, and wrote important dates and names, that the Y.W. Y.M. would have to find. It was a lot of fun seeing who is buried there. I didn't realize that about half of the prophets of the church are buried there. I didn't know that the Cemetery was eight or more cemeteries in one, it was so big that it has street names. The activity turned out great, everyone had fun. If you get a chance and would like to go and see some fun history, take a trip to the Salt Lake Cemetery, they have maps that will tour you through each of the Prophets, Apostles and prominent people.


Shepherd Family ACALPM said...

From a girl who is still in denial about President Hinckley... Sad!
I would like to go there someday, but not till I am over the denial cause I would probably cry! Dumb I know but hey that is me!

Shepherd Family ACALPM said...

PS besides the VERY pregnant person, you all look like YW...I like your shirt Mel. And sadly even the prego lady looks YW... minus the belly...

Rachelle said...

I don't know how you do it are one very busy gal! It's looks like you had a special night with the girls. I still miss President Hinckley a lot!

Bret and Cherissa Newton said...

I'm a YW President and looking to do this activity tomorrow night! Do you have a copy of the scavenger hunt you could email me?