Monday, March 31, 2008

School Skate Night/ Family Night...

Tonight we decided to go to the Classic Fun Center to the School Skate night for Nathaniel's school, we had a blast, although we didn't skate, Nathaniel took his scooter and he rode around the skating floor. They also have a bounce toy area, so we got tickets to play on the toys, Nathaniel played more on the toys then he did scooter. Caleb and I had fun also playing on the toys, I think Caleb is a dare devil, he isn't afraid of much,(not sure if that is good or bad at this point) He climbed this slide at least a dozen times, it was fun, I went up the slide a few times but he wanted to do it himself. Nathaniel had fun running around from toy to toy. The boys didn't want to leave when it was time to go, Nathaniel kept saying "just one more time mom Please!"

Caleb pulled on my shirt, wanting to do something every second!

finally I was able to pull them away, we spent a good couple hours running around crazy, and listening to some loud loud music. It was a fun evening, I think that we will do that again.


Amy and Munich just found out that they are going to be having a baby girl, how exciting for you! Arrival to be in July! Another girl in the family! Yeah!!!! We love you all...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Thankful Sunday....

Families are Forever...

My sister Chantel has been doing this thankful Sunday post. I thought that I would do the same thing. There are so many things that I am thankful for but I will just put a few.
1. All My family, they mean the world to me. (Who can say they talk to there sisters at least once or twice a day, and mom and dad at least once a day. )
2. My wonderful boys, they teach me so much, as Chantel said " for the opportunities I have to teach them." I know that they teach me patience all the time, and they are always making me laugh. As my dad says "always laugh and give them lots of love." Laughter makes things more bearable, much better than crying or screaming!
3. I am thankful for a loving husband who I love with all my heart. I believe that he is one of the greatest blessings in my life, I can't believe that we have almost been married 11years, time flies by so very fast. We have had many adventures, but each one, my love grows stronger and stronger, I feel so blessed to know that we can be a family forever!
4. For my health
5. The warmer weather that is trying to come.. (SOON I HOPE)
6. For the gospel in my life, and my families lifes.